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I love to read books! Infact, I try to read some fiction, every day. When writing this page I have returned to the James Herriot series of books, as I enjoyed these in my teens and thought I would like to read them again.

I don't newspapers, as I prefer fiction that is well written. My reading these days, is normally confined to a few pages each night, when both my wife and two sons are sound asleep. Over the years I have read quite a few books and I am hoping this page will introduce you to a few of the authors I have enjoyed.

If you are interested in any of the authors I have mentioned below, at the foot of the page is a link to some Online Bookshops, where some of the works can be purchased.

Ian Fleming

Lee Child

Patricia Cornwell

James Patterson

Dean Koontz

Shaun Hutson

James Herbet

Jack Higgins

Richard Laymon

I will add to this list as time permits, but as many of these authors are quite prolofic this should be enough to wet your appetite for now!

If you want to buy books online, take a look at our Online BooKshops instead of scouring the web for titles. If you've time to spare, visit our front page, you might just be surprised at what else you find.